
Acceptance rate:
Time to first decision:
16 days*
Time from acceptance to publication:
18 days*
Impact Factor:
Impact Factor rank (JCR):

Aims and scope

British Journal of Ophthalmology is an international peer-reviewed journal for ophthalmologists and visual science specialists that publishes clinical investigations, clinical observations, and clinically relevant laboratory investigations related to ophthalmology. Main features include articles on both clinical and laboratory sciences, up-to-date major reviews, editorials, education articles and letters. The 'Innovations' section features papers on surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic innovations. British Journal of Ophthalmology is BMJ's flagship ophthalmology journal and has an open access companion journal, BMJ Open Ophthalmology.
For information about the British Journal of Ophthalmology editorial team and the Editors-in-Chief (Keith Barton, James Chodosh and Jost Jonas) please refer to the Editorial Board page.

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British Journal of Ophthalmology is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal. Transformative Journals are one of the compliance routes offered by cOAlition S funders, such as Wellcome, WHO and UKRI. Find out more about Transformative Journals and  Plan S compliance on our Author Hub.

Journal information

British Journal of Ophthalmology is owned by BMJ
Publication Model
Subscription; with hybrid open access option
Launch date
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Indexed by
Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded; BIOSIS Previews, Current Contents: Clinical Medicine, Life Sciences; MEDLINE (Index Medicus), PubMed Central (BMJ Open Access Special Collection), Scopus, Embase (Excerpta Medica), CINAHL, Google Scholar
Peer review model
Single blind; the names of reviewers are hidden from the author
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Journal Statistics (2020)

Acceptance rate: 16%
Speed Time to first decision: 16 days (mean) Time from acceptance to publication: 18 days (mean)
Impact Impact Factor category: Ophthalmology Impact Factor (JCR): 4.638 Impact Factor rank:  9/62 5 Year Impact Factor: 4.554 Journal Citation Indicator:1.72 Eigenfactor: 0.02131 Citescore: 7.3 Citescore rank: 7/116 Scimago Journal rank (SJR): 2.016
Reach 2020 total content views: 954,670 2020 total Altmetric mentions: 8,245
The impact that academic research has cannot be defined by one single metric. In 2013, BMJ signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). We did this to show our support for using multiple measures and metrics to portray journals’ impact; moving away from the Impact Factor as a single measure. How we get these metrics

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